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Catalogues and flyers

You can find media that will provide you with information about our products here.

Product overview 2025

Herco general catalogue 2025

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PDF / 5.2 MB

Energy efficiency

Halving electricity costs

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PDF / 256 KB

Information about our company
Documents and flyers

Everything there is to know about our company.

Peru charity project

Treatment of seawater using Herco reverse osmosis unit to supply approx. 300 families in Peru with drinking water

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PDF / 8.3 MB

Herco certifications
Certified Made in Germany quality

We meet European standards and test all units in-house at our test facility. The TÜV regularly inspects our company. You can gain an overview of our certifications and download them as a PDF here.

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (english)

A world-renowned quality management system with a focus on process optimisation.

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PDF / 159.0 KB

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (français)

Un système de gestion de la qualité de renommée mondiale qui met l'accent sur l'optimisation des processus.

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PDF / 241.0 KB

DIN EN ISO 13485:2016

Quality management for medical devices – based on ISO 9001, additionally includes specific requirements for medicine, in harmonisation with applicable EU directives 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EC.

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PDF / 350.0 KB

EC certificate MDR

Quality Management System for Medical Products - official confirmation that Herco as a manufacturer has established, documented and implemented a quality management system as described in Article 10 (9) of the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices.

File format:
PDF / 295.0 KB

EMAS-Document of the IHK 2023

Herco Wassertechnik GmbH has established an environmental management system according to Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 and EN ISO 14001:2015 (sections 4 to 10) to promote the continual improvement of environmental performance, regularly publishes an environmental statement, has let the environmental management system be verified and the environmental statement be validated by an independent and accredited verifier, is registered under EMAS ( and therefore entitled to use the EMAS-Logo.

File format:
PDF / 241 KB

EMAS - ISO 14001

Environmental management system - The certificate verifies that the requirements according to DIN EN ISO 14001 are fulfilled. This means that Herco Wassertechnik GmbH has introduced and applies an environmental management system for the entire site and the scope of development, production and sales of water treatment plants.

PDF / 667,0 KB

Important documents

Return slips to fill out in the event of a complaint

Return slip

Return form (print version)

File format:
PDF / 253.0 KB

Return slip

E-mail complaint (digital)

File format:
PDF / 305.0 KB

Repair instructions

Do it yourself repair instructions provide help for self-help


File format:
PDF / 873 KB

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