Ultrapure water
What is ultrapure water needed for?
In many processes, specific requirements are placed both on the purity of the water needed and on the plant technology. In most cases, the combination of several process steps (e.g. reverse osmosis and electrodeionization) is required in order to achieve the required conductivity < 0.2 µS/cm with a silica content < 20 µg/l for feed water for steam boilers with turbine operation, for example.
Depending on the industry, the term ultrapure water is used for different water qualities. Ultrapure water in microelectronics differs from ultrapure water for the pharmaceutical industry. What all industries have in common, however, is that a technically sophisticated system that always operates reliably is required and that strict qualification or documentation processes are a matter of course for customers.
Which treatment technologies are used?
Depending on the industry-specific quality requirements, different processing steps are necessary. The following technologies are frequently used:
- Reverse osmosis
- Electrodeionisation
- UV system
- Polisher (mixed bed)